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Portobello Market and Brown Sugar

Portobello Road Market takes place every Friday and Saturday in the neighborhood of Notting Hill.

The houses remind me of little Easter eggs all in a row.

Portobello Road literally stretches on for ages. There's probably nothing you can't find here--souvenirs, antiques, vintage clothes, new items, food, produce...really anything!

We spent our morning and early afternoon there, and started out with some delicious pastries. 

We peaked our heads into all of the different stands, some selling handmade jewelry or adorable hand-painted posters like these. 

We stopped for lunch and Ana and I split some Moroccan street food. 

She left for Dublin that afternoon, but it was an awesome few days having her around in London!

That evening, Tori, Kathleen, Ananya, and Nina and I decided to check out a bar by Holborn called Brown Sugar that has live jazz music on Saturday nights. 

We strolled towards Leicester Square afterwards and decided to poke our heads into the casino, just for kicks. 

Don't worry, a total of 2 pounds was bet between the 5 of us.

We wandered over to Piccadilly Circus, which was crawling with people bar hopping and clubbing. We decided to call it an early night, however, and grabbed the tube home before it closed for the night. 

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