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Budapest Day 2

We began our second day in Budapest back at the Parliament building. It cost us under $10 to take a tour of the inside, so we opted for an afternoon tour. In the meantime, we took a visit to Margaret Island, which is accessible right off of one of Budapests' many bridges. 

We caught a spectacular little fountain show before heading back to Parliament for our tour inside. 

The inside of Parliament is grand and beautiful, just like the outside. Gorgeous frescoes line the ceilings. 

The stadium-style hall above is still used today and the hallways seem to stretch on forever. Our guide gave us the brief history behind all of Hungary's various kings and rulers, and also showed us the Crown Jewels (which I was not allowed to photograph).

We were desperately hungry after and stopped off at an Italian restaurant that provided blankets for their guests seated outdoors. 

It was pretty much heavenly! 

The rest of the afternoon was spent exploring the city. We went back to the market we stumbled upon yesterday and decided to try out this fabulous "chimney cake", which they roast over open flames and roll in nuts, cocoa, and cinnamon.


Having done our fair share of wandering, we settled back into our loft for a bit before we were picked up and whisked back to the airport to return to London.

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