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Adventures with my visitor!

Everybody, I have a visitor!

Anastasia is studying at UCD in Dublin for the semester and planned some time to come visit London (and me!) for a few days this past weekend. She arrived Wednesday night, just in time for us all to celebrate Kathleen's birthday together on Thursday. 

We went out to the Greedy Cow, a restaurant close by to campus. They have a few wild kinds of burgers you can try there, like camel or kangaroo. I opted for the veggie burger, of course. 

On Friday, Ana and I went out for the day. We started out at Twinings Tea Shop, first opened in 1706 and was the first of its kind. 

I had quite a fun time picking out gifts for people at home that I know would appreciate some Twinings from its original location!

Then, we walked over to Tower Bridge and the Tower of London, which has been used both as a royal residence and a prison in London's history. 

We peaked in at Hay's Galleria, a wharf built in the 1850's, where beautiful tea clippers from India and China used to dock. 

Then, we boarded the tube and exited at the Kensington Gardens to take a stroll through the parks. The weather was absolutely lovely!

We went through the Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, and eventually ended up at Regents Park, a ways away from the hustle and bustle of Oxford street. 

While Regents Park surely would be a magnificent place to see when the roses are in bloom, it still was gorgeous at this time of year. 

 The green spaces in London are so impressive. It completely just transports you right out of the city!

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