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Hiking in Box Hill & Denbies Wine Estate

Saturday morning, Tori, Kathleen, Anna and I made our way to Victoria Station in West London to board a train to Box Hill, a summit area in West Downs, Surrey. Surrey is the county just south-west of London. It's graced with beautiful rolling green hills and vineyards, and is the perfect day break from the city.

The climb up the hill was more strenuous than we were expecting, and before even reaching the top, we found ourselves short of breath both from the climb and also from the gorgeous views.

We kept on climbing in hopes of finding a beautiful, dry spot to dig into our packed lunches.

This spot overlooking the valley, in full view of the cows grazing on the bright green grass, is where we decided to settle and tuck into lunch.

Further along was a viewing point where families were congregating and kids were making the fullest out of this gorgeous sunny English day.

We made our descent down to the meadow below.

But first got distracted by this gorgeous little footbridge that crept right out of the trees.

It brought us right over this fast-moving creek.

Which Anna decided to dip her toes into!

A meadow a few yards away served as another distraction and called for some frolicking.

We detoured by skipping around on these stepping stones before heading down the road to the Denbies Wine Estate, a vineyard visible from the top of Box Hill.

The walk through the vineyard to the winery made me feel like I had been transported out of London to a vineyard in Tuscany. The grapes were luscious and midnight blue and the vineyard seemed to stretch on for ages.

We paid a couple pounds to do a tour and tasting of the winery. Our guide showed us where the grapes are pressed, bottled, and labelled, and told us a bit about how each type of wine is crafted.

These beautiful barrels were crafted by a master in Austria and sent back to the vineyard for decoration. Soon after our time at the vineyard, we made our way back to the train station to return to London.

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