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Aye, I'm gaunnie Scotland!

I made my way to Euston station in London early Friday morning to board a 5 hour train up north to Glasgow, Scotland to spend a long weekend with Terenzi.

It was a long ride but was also a beautiful one. 

Although my train had a one hour delay towards the end, the scenery kept my spirits up. 

After spending some time catching up and buying tickets for our various weekend adventures, Terenzi brought me into the Glasgow city center. 

Christmastime is a perfect time to visit Scotland and the UK in general. To all of us back home, it's Thanksgiving season, but here in the UK, Christmas has been in full swing for a few weeks.

We spent our afternoon and evening dashing in and out of sparkling stores, admiring the Christmas lights, and window shopping. 

It's already the time of year when the sun is setting early in the evening. 

After he gave me a thorough tour of the Glasgow City Center, we headed back to his flat to cook our dinner and prepare for our early morning to Edinburgh!

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