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Camden Market & Central London

Terenzi and I started his second day in London at Brick Lane for some delicious bagels.

Next, we made our way over to Camden Market in Northern London to get lost in its winding roads and tiny alleys.

Fish pedicure, anyone?

Next, we hopped on the tube and headed over to central London to walk around Leicester, Piccadilly, Trafalgar, and the surrounding areas.

He gave the lions a shot and climbed right onto their backs--much more graceful than my attempt at getting up there!

We then took a stroll around Regent Street, Oxford Street and Carnaby, where London was buzzing with happy shoppers loading up on Christmas gifts!

Of course, we needed to take a break for a hot second. BK to the rescue!

The lights in London at night were absolutely dazzling, as were the sights.

We even caught a bit of the Southbank Christmas market, and this awesome rendition of the Game of Thrones theme seen below.

After a bit of recuperation, we stopped in at Wetherspoons to enjoy our last legal night together until we're both 21 back in the states.

Cheers, London, it's been fab!

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