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Brick Lane Market

Brick Lane is a long street in the East End of London that hosts an absolutely amazing street market every Sunday. This past Sunday, we decided to check it out with the intention of maybe spending an hour or two there, and ended up exploring it for our entire afternoon.

The appeal of Brick Lane is that it is just so cool. It's an eclectic mix of vintage shops selling anything from old Levi's to chinaware to Polaroid cameras. It stretches on for what feels like miles and the shops and food choices are really never-ending.

You quite literally could get any kind of food you could possibly want here. Indian, Italian, Mexican, Ethiopian, Greek, Venezuelan, Dutch, French, Pakistani, the list goes on and on. There are not enough Sundays in my semester to possibly come close to trying all of the amazing food they have here!

Brick Lane is something I'll look forward to for many Sundays to come!

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